Teach your kids to be grateful: Put together a gratitude list.

ThankfulWith the Thanksgiving holiday this week, it is the perfect time to talk to your kids about being grateful and thankful for the many blessings in their lives.

Help the kids put together a gratitude list to focus on what they have vs what they do not have. In my opinion, it is never to early to start appreciating what you have in life. Here are some ideas to help your kids to start thinking about what they may want to put on their gratitude list:

1 – Play a “gratitude” game: We actually did this over the weekend. My husband, girls and I kept going around table saying things we were grateful for. I would say we did about 10 rounds and I was taking notes to help the girls create their gratitude list.

2 – Thanksgiving dinner table – As you go around the dinner table, have everyone talk about one thing they are grateful for this year.

3 – Letters to Santa – As the kids are writing their wishlist to Santa, have the kids include a “PS” which lets Santa know what they are grateful for this year.

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